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동양학대학원 학과 및 전공 영문표기-abstract
동양학대학원 학과 및 전공 영문표기-abstract


동양학대학원 학과 및 전공 영문명(abstract 기재용)

▶원광대학교 동양학대학원 불교학과 선조형예술학전공

By  Hong, Gil Dong

Major in Dhyana-Fine Art

Department of Buddhism Studies

Graduate School of Oriental Studies

Wonkwang University

▶원광대학교 동양학대학원 동양학과 기공학전공

By  Hong, Gil Dong

Major in Ki-gong

 Department of Oriental Studies

Graduate School of Oriental Studies

Wonkwang University

▶원광대학교 동양학대학원 동양학과 동양철학전공

By  Hong, Gil Dong

Major in Oriental Philosophy

Department of Oriental Studies

Graduate School of Oriental Studies

Wonkwang University

▶원광대학교 동양학대학원 서예문화학과 서예문화학전공

By  Hong, Gil Dong

Major in Calligraphy and Culture

Department of Calligraphy and Culture Studies

Graduate School of Oriental Studies

Wonkwang University

▶원광대학교 동양학대학원 요가학과 요가학전공

By  Hong, Gil Dong

Major in Yoga

Department of Yoga Studies

Graduate School of Oriental Studies

Wonkwang University

▶원광대학교 동양학대학원 예문화와다도학과 예문화와다도학전공

By  Hong, Gil Dong

Major in Decorum Culture and Tea Ceremony

Department of Decorum Culture and Tea Ceremony Studies

Graduate School of Oriental Studies

Wonkwang University

▶원광대학교 동양학대학원 예문화와다도학과 한국복식과학학전공

By  Hong, Gil Dong

Major in Korean Costume Science

Department of Decorum Culture and Tea Ceremony Studies

Graduate School of Oriental Studies

Wonkwang University

원광대학교 동양학대학원 회화문화재보존수복학과 회화문화재보존수복학전공

By  Hong, Gil Dong

Major in Preservation and Restoration of Pictorial Relics

 Department of Painting Cultural Assets’ Preservation and Restoration Studies

Graduate School of Oriental Studies

Wonkwang University